
This league was put together many years ago by friends of mine. After a while, we made it an online league and it has only grown from there. If you would like to take part, please hit the 'Contact' link and I'll get back to you.

At the moment, we offer a Pick 'Em league for every game throughout the season, as well as a Live or Die league that takes a single weekly pick. Please read up on the games to the right if you'd like to know more.

Pick 'Em

In the Pick 'Em league, all you have to do is choose the winner of the games each week. Choose by color, mascot, city closest to your grandma's house, whatever. Just get your picks in on time and hope for the best!

Live or Die

Live or Die is a new game requested by one of the members. You choose one team each week throughout the regular season. If they win, you're safe. If they lose, you might be SOL. This is a double elimination game, so you can pick the wrong team twice before you get booted. The catch is, you can only choose a team one time per season. In the end, whoever is still alive wins the pot or splits it evenly if there are multiple people left.