Sound Off


BigNate -- Mar 17, 2014 @ 12:54 pm

Hi there
Thanks for checking out the bracket section of the site. Hopefully you find it useful and fun too.

Things to note:
- There isn't a lot to do yet. I'll get the standings section up today, with the news & schedule sections soon after. Unfortunately, I didn't finish the group functionality in time for this year, but it should be ready to go by the fall for the NFL season.

- If you find any bugs or think something could just be easier/work better, let me know. If you have ideas for new games or other sports, let me know.

- This is a home brew system. I designed & built it myself, so it's a bit plain. I'm hoping to add content, pictures and more functionality as I go. So please let me know if something isn't working right.


TRUTH#34 -- Mar 18, 2014 @ 4:44 pm

Nate I have uploaded image, but do not see it displayed anywhere